The Grow for Another Year

 On 2024, i have a lot of struggles in life, faced a lot of challenges. I learned that we need to be independent and be strong enough to face the reality and to start a new one. I may not be the perfect as the year passes. I can tell that i can work hard to give the best version of mine.

2024 serves as a lesson to me. A lesson i will treasure the most. It serves as a motivation to do better not only for others but for myself too. This year i will learn to say no to others to avoid being abused. I learned how to say no and choose my peace and to have the best life this year. I realized that life does not end if you choose yourself more than others.

This little me would be so proud of me. I can’t tell her that i can fulfill our dreams but i know that she would be so proud of me because i’m still fighting for my dreams. For her dreams. This year i can’t promise that i can do better but i’m trying to be the best and to have a better life this year.


  1. It's nice to know that you're capable of handling challenges.

  2. You are so strong for overcoming and facing the challenges and struggles you encountered:))


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