This 2nd quarter, we learn a lot. Codings, adding images. This learning is one of the significance on how maam evelyn teaches us. She gives her best just to prove to us that she wants us to have a learning. A lot of learning. Codings, adding bolds, italizing, images they have a lot of impacts to us. We can use them when we are in senior highschool. By learning this, i realized that we need also an end tag. To start a new tag again just like how we start a new quarter and end the last quarter.

By this learning, i learned to love ict more. The more i love ict, the more i gain new knowledge and lessons. I can use this in senior highschool because a lot of people are saying that ict is one of the hardest subject. But if you’re going to analyze it you can tell yourself that ict is one of the best subject. The subject where you can’t find pressure. The subject where you can find the real meaning of learning because of those tags you can learn. 

This learning make me realize that in life, we need an start tag to start a new beginning and we need end tag to end our quarter to start a new beginning.


  1. Wow you have a great idea. Keep it up the good work

  2. You made a good reflection Ghift. However, your title is not that interesting, you should stop making your title the same as the activity's title.

  3. Nice and amazing blog! Thankyou for sharing your ICT journey on quarter 2, keep up the good work!


  4. I'm glad you learned a lot in the last quarter. Keep it up! (btw, your name is zooo beautiful!)

  5. Great to hear that you've had such a fulfilling learning experience this quarter. Keep it up!

  6. Well done! Your writing is clear, concise, and very well-structured. Uhmm one suggestion, make your title more catchy:))))

  7. Keep it up, Ghift! Just a suggestion, try to be more creative with your title.


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