
The collision of 2 hearts

Every 14th day of February is also known as the month of love. We celebrate valentine's day, the day that you would express your love with your loved ones. On this day, a lot of people are receiving gifts, flowers and also chocolate because they believe that if you give gifts to your loved ones, you’re expressing your affection and love to that person. We celebrate valentines every 14th day of february to express our love and honor our loved ones. Also, here we’re celebrating the feast day to honor a martyr named Valentine. Also, here we have the chance to date our girlfriends or boyfriends.  On this day, we’re simply showing our unconditional love with our family, friends and someone we admired. We express our love by giving gifts and making an effort for them. Letters, flowers, chocolate, they're simply giving us butterflies that we can’t forget. A day that we feel loved by someone. 

The Reasons behind the Success

  Here, we use our PRE-CAL period to start the planning on how we interview the SK chairman of BRGY.8 because our times doesn't match with the schedule of the SK chairman. Here, we faced difficulties because we don't know how to interview our participants for this Community based Research.  Here, we are planning on how we can create our CBR. ICT period is the time or period that we’re using here. To conceptualize and to plan everything before we continue our CBR. By this, we can create our CBR without hesitations and also we can ask every time we need a help in case of difficulties.      Now, this picture represents on how we do that tags for our web design. Although we're not capable in doing this, we did our best to finish it and present our web design just to get high grades and also meet the expectations of our  teachers and classmates.  Every steps can lead to a huge success. As we create our community based research. We encounter a lot of difficu...

The Beauty of Vigan

Image Vigan as a city now has a unique impact in our society. By it’s light. It giving us another chance to embrace the beauty of vigan.  Vigan, as a city, holds a unique position in the Philippines due to its rich cultural and historical significance.  Infrastructure improvements, tourism-driven businesses, and cultural preservation efforts have contributed to its growth. However, vigan also faces challenges. Earthquake, flood etc is one of the most hard problem that vigan can face.  Local government initiatives focus on sustainable tourism, heritage preservation, and disaster preparedness, especially given the threats of earthquakes and typhoons.  By this, vigan can balanced and highlight it’s own beauty. By the statues of heroes that sacrifices their life just to save vigan and to give us a beautiful tourist spot to visit and to make our ancestors proud because we’re protectingg the beauty of our beloved VIGA...

3 out of 4

  This Quarter, i learned a lot. I learned to communicate with others just to fit in. Also, i learned to do HTML tags and also Community Based Research. By the help of our ICT teacher, Mrs. Evelyn i learned everything that i need. But behind of those learnings, i faced a lot of difficulties.  The way i put tags on my outputs, activities and also in making our CBR WEB DESIGN.  This quarter is not just about making the tags, completing our outputs but also treasuring the moments with our classmates and beloved teacher. But, this problems is solved because i keep on believing on myself that i can do this. That i can survive this 3rd quarter. Also, by the help of my classmates.  Now, we’re moving in 4th quarter, the final quarter. Moving on, i will keep on treasuring this moment and i will promise to myself to do better this time.  

The Celebration of Chinese New Year

Reference:   Chinese New Year is not just about celebration. It talks about the culture of chinese. The celebration of Chinese New Year in the Philippines is a reflection of the country’s rich cultural diversity and deep historical ties with the Chinese community. As chinese immigrant to our country, they invite filipinos to adapt their culture. Also, many Filipino customs are influenced by Chinese beliefs. For example, the practice of using feng shui, wearing red for good luck, and preparing round fruits for New Year’s celebrations.   Chinese New Year also talks about their driversity. The celebration of Chinese New Year also boost the profit of businesses because of the way we embrace and celebrate this occasion with fireworks, going to chinese restaurant, dance performances etc. By this, many filipinos are joining this kind of activities in order to celebrate and embrace Chinese New Year.

The Grow for Another Year

 On 2024, i have a lot of struggles in life, faced a lot of challenges. I learned that we need to be independent and be strong enough to face the reality and to start a new one. I may not be the perfect as the year passes. I can tell that i can work hard to give the best version of mine. 2024 serves as a lesson to me. A lesson i will treasure the most. It serves as a motivation to do better not only for others but for myself too. This year i will learn to say no to others to avoid being abused. I learned how to say no and choose my peace and to have the best life this year. I realized that life does not end if you choose yourself more than others. This little me would be so proud of me. I can’t tell her that i can fulfill our dreams but i know that she would be so proud of me because i’m still fighting for my dreams. For her dreams. This year i can’t promise that i can do better but i’m trying to be the best and to have a better life this year.

The Real Essence of Christmas

 I spent my christmas vacation with my family. Doing a lot of things, and also spending time with them. My parents did not allow me to go out with my friend in christmas day because they want us to ceebrate and spend time together. This is will be the time we are celebrating as one, as a family. We made fruit salads and more. Played games and specially we give gifts to our loved once. My christmas vacation is not that bad or not that good, but i can say that it was a long vacation and time to spend my vacation with my family and friends before going to school to face another challenge and face the reality. This is not just a vacation it’s a part of the memories i will treasure because i spend it with my family and friends. We spend our christmas in Sta. Maria because we want to travel and spend our time to relax before we go to another reality. By spending our time there i can tell that we spend my christmas vacation with my loved ones.